The SB - VSP pumps are easy to install, The materials used are the very best available, providing both excellent wear properties and corrosion resistance.
The single volute and generous solids passages through the pump ensure a safe and clog less operation. The wet-end assembly is suspended from a tubular column below the bearing housing. Standard pumps are supplied with wide choice of material.

- Head – upto 120 Mtr.
- Discharge up to - 1000M3/Hr.
- Suspension depth upto - 6mtr
- Temperature - (-)30Deg. To (+)180 Deg.
- Speed - 1450/2900 RPM.
- Dewatering
- Sump Drainage
- Mill scale
- Sewage stations
- Hazardous, Toxic
- Inflammable liquid
- Clear water
- Corrosive liquid
- Intake well
- Boiler Blow down
- Coal dust and coal pits
- Slurry pumping
- Industrial Process
- Pollution control.